ET - my former "Landlord"
you might remember me writing about my first landlord in Sweden, Talmah Elfors also know as E.T

As you might remind as well the place I stayed, was a room part of small flat in the southern suburbs of Stockholm.

After having a quite 'nasty' arguement I moved out after 14 days. I posted my experience on this blog.
Today I got a couple of emails from a Swedish having the same 'experience':
The first one:
So this is her second email:
the most important point and the reason why I am writing this in english is: "don't move in!"
This is her advertisement on
you might remember me writing about my first landlord in Sweden, Talmah Elfors also know as E.T
As you might remind as well the place I stayed, was a room part of small flat in the southern suburbs of Stockholm.
After having a quite 'nasty' arguement I moved out after 14 days. I posted my experience on this blog.
Today I got a couple of emails from a Swedish having the same 'experience':
The first one:
Hiwell I guess no comment needed, I answered and offered my help in case the agency needs the confirmation that E.T. is not a bearable landlord.
I saw your blogg yesterday - but I could not found any mailaddress to
you, instead I found an email adress to one of your friend.
What I saw was your talk about ET. This weekend I stayed there - and
it was awful.
(what I did when I where on my way home - I goggled for the name..)
I often go to Stockholm from a city 500 km south of Stockholm for the
weekend, and I try to stay at thoose bed and breakfast.
This trip it was ET. And it will be the last...
The stay was awful from start to end.
First I had to pay the full sum, even that I had payed the fee to the
agency. I did not realised on Friday evening (22.00) and I was tired.
then at breakfast I asked. And the sceen was horrible , I was afraid.
I said - I will leave - then I got the money back - but I felt
threatend (hotad).
Then on Friday when I arrived I got instructions how to proceed with
keys, bathroom, TV etc
Then it contiuened...
How did you make it up to get money back and leave...
I have talked to the agency - and said - this way is not good
So this is her second email:
The agency now have said she is paying everything pack....sounds really bad, so actually it was not my fault of being thrown out of this crappy room *g
My room was the one next to the bathroom.
I was told - to lock the door - and lock the door.
I was told to turn off the TV - with the knob.
I was told there is another guest - but I will not see him!! - I saw the shoes.
But I was tired and did not look that night.
The night after (I got a cold) - I found the knob - but no remote control - and no other knob..
During the night (I went to the bathroom) - two times someone had been there - but did not spoil (spola)
In the room there was no table exept from 20 x 20 cm thing - so I had to have everything on the floor.
I had no electricty stick - no for the pc, nor for the phone to charge.
None of this I did want to say to the lady - I was afraid - and beleive me I much older than you, I can be your mother.
During Saturday I normally leave my laptop - I found I could not - so I had to carry everything.
During breakfast I was told - she did not earn anything etc etc.
She blaimed the agency..
I was there two nights - ..
Today back home I have talked to the agency - and they will give me the money back -(they do not need to) - I have told - them - take away that room from the agency list.
Do you know what she is doing for a living - she is psycologist, she should know better.
But as I understood you where not in that room, you where in the other room.
Writing this - telling someone - who have not been there -they cannot understand. It looks like nothing - but if your threatend it is not funny.
So KTH had contract with her - I hope the do not have that anymore.
The agency is J1 Årsta
I believe you are german - and obviously know both german, swedish and english.
Tomorrow I will go by car to Germany.
the most important point and the reason why I am writing this in english is: "don't move in!"
This is her advertisement on
ETTrum 17kv ljus östläge meblerad med:bekvämbedsoffa storklädskåp 1byrå med lådorTake care!
ochskrivbord möjlighet attanvända sitt datur ingåri hyran bokhylla fin matta och passande gardiner.möjlighet till använda köket till små mat lagning.välkommen att se.....
Labels: ET, flo, Talmah Elfors
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